Classifieds listings are free for MCRA members, and start at $30 for associate and non-members. Click here to learn more.
The 12th Chancery Court District has a full-time court reporter position available. The counties covered are Lauderdale/Meridian.
Please send resumes to the Brandi Coghlan,, (601) 482-9729 – Court Admin for Chancellor Amanda Rainey.
The 9th Chancery District, Subdistrict 3, which covers Warren, Sharkey, and Issaquena Counties has a full-time court reporter position currently available. If you are interested in this position, please send your resumes to Cynthia at, (662) 636-8327 – Court Admin to Chancellor Vicki R. Barnes.
The 7th Chancery District is seeking a full-time court reporter to begin immediately. The counties covered are Bolivar, Coahoma, Quitman, Leflore, Tallahatchie, and Tunica.
If you are interested in this positions please send your resume to
Bennie Parks,, (662) 843-2111) – Court Admin for Chancellor Catherine Farris